Tuesday, 12 November 2013


Now reflect on the following questions: 1. What is God’s position on Divorce? 2. Do I want to obey God or “my pains”? 3. What does God’s word say about perseverance? 4a. Where do I want to be on my daughter’s wedding day? At the front row or the back row or be totally absent? 4b. Where do I want to be on my son’s wedding day. Who will be the groom’s ‘proud’ mother on that day? 5.Do I want another woman to take over my responsibilities over my husband and children while I am still alive? 6a. What did I vow unto God on my wedding day? 6b.Am I backing out? What will I tell God? 7. Was my husband like this when we wedded newly? 8. What went wrong and how did I contribute to this crisis? 9a. Is money dividing us so soon? 9b. Should ‘another woman’ be a reason for dissolution of my vows unto God to remain till ‘death do us part.’ 10. How can I cooperate with God to mend this broken home? Are you troubled that your marriage relationship is heading towards divorce? Why not pray a prayer of confession, asking the Lord to forgive you and your spouse, and stop blaming your partner. Repent in all sincerity, and be determined to obey God’s word, God hates divorce. My suggestion is that someone should care enough to respond to the questions stated above. You may encounter a healing experience if you honestly desire to laugh again, and rejoice in the Lord Jesus Christ. Peace!


Many people are connected to any married couple who have chosen divorce as an option- children, mother, father, uncles, aunties, nephews, nieces, brothers and sisters-in-law etc. When decisions are about to be reached about calling it quits, it will be ideal to think beyond you. Care for the hurts your children and other significant others are about to be exposed to. Some ‘wounds’ may never get healed Divorce is a traumatic experience! Come to think of it. This man that has suddenly become a stranger to his wife was once a lovely man, one in a million, very caring and accommodating. Then what went wrong? What was responsible for the breakdown in communication? Is it not possible to resolve their differences? Couples should embrace communication at all levels. It is a significant key to building a successful marriage relationship. FRIEND, find out what divorcees have to say: CAN YOU “HEAR” THEIR PAINS? “Divorce is one of the traumatic things a man or a woman can go through.” - Bro. M.A. “It is not a thing of pride for you to come out and say you are divorced.” – Bro. A’ “If I were this matured as a Christian twenty years ago, I wouldn’t have sued for a divorce…” – Sis. ‘B “Divorce is not a good thing whether the woman was a witch or not. Trust me, it is not a good thing to go through a divorce.” – Bro ‘S’

Friday, 1 November 2013


One day I went to visit a friend in her office, and while waiting for her, I began to chat with her secretary. It was during a lunch-break so I engaged her in a discussion on marriage. I tried to ask few questions about her plans for the future, specifically her dreams about the man she would love to marry. Initially she was very relaxed during the interaction, but as the discussion progressed, I noticed that her countenance changed and she was no longer interested in our discussion. I then asked her what happened that she suddenly became withdrawn. She told pointedly, “In all honesty I have no plans for marriage.” She said further, “I am alright with my single state, what do I need a husband for. All men are hypocrites after all. I would rather face my future without any intimate relationship with any man, called husband. I am o.k” At this point I sensed that I had met a lady who probably had been hurt or had faced disappointments from some men in the past, so instead of changing the subject of our discussion I asked about her family background. How are your parents? I asked. They are fine, she replied. Are your parents living together? I asked further. She wanted to weep but she controlled her tears. After noticing this change of emotion, I inquired further what happened to her parents, and she began to share with me the pains of separation between her dad and mum, and the negative impact it was having on her and her siblings. You can not imagine what happened to me after my parents divorced. Tell me more, I pressed further. She continued her story, “I was an undergraduate at the university then and my dad asked my siblings and I to leave his house with our mum, while he stopped paying our school fees. Two of my siblings were at the polytechnic while the youngest one was preparing to report to the university for his first year of study. I asked her, so how then did you manage to complete your studies? She replied, It is needless to tell you that I struggled on my own to complete my studies, with the assistance of some friends, but mummy managed to help the others to pull through their schools from her meager resources. By this time she could no longer hold back her tears. Her red shot eyes spoke volumes, and she said in a low tone, “I have taken a stance against getting married in life, I can not allow any man to treat me like my mother was treated by my father.”