COMMITMENT: Intimate relationship is built upon mutual trust.
One partner believing that the other partner will not betray him or her. If one takes cognizance of this fact, it is possible to build a healthy relationship, but
every concerned party must work at it to make it a success.
Somebody once said, "Marriage is like a voyage on the sea." If the ship develops any problem, it will be madness for anyone to think of jumping out of the ship into the sea, because he or he may never live to tell the story. it is safer to stay on board, because there may be no shipwreck at the end of the day. And he asks, "Why is it so easy for some people to 'jump out' of their marriage once there is little misunderstanding or problem?" Lack of commitment I suppose! A married couple must be determined that this marriage must work, whether the devil likes it or not. Efforts must be
put into actually understanding your partner. There is an African adage that says, ‘Say
what you mean and mean what you say.’ The secret to success is BE OPEN TO EACH
OTHER. Do not have a hidden agenda when you are discussing, say it the right
way. Be humble enough to say "I am sorry" whenever your spouse feels offended by your actions. A man or a woman who enters into a marriage relationship with a faulty vow made before the altar of God, "For better to stay, for worse to leave," such might be drumming his or her doom already. I believe in positive confession but I also believe in reality. Life is full of challenges! Take it or leave it! A faulty foundation will eventually lead to a cracked wall if not a complete demolition of the house, therefore, couples must enter into an unwritten oath of Commitment, saying, We shall be together until death separates us, God helping me.