Monday, 13 May 2019


On Sunday, the 5th day of March 2019 I woke up in the early hours of the day with this thought on my mind, “There’s a demand placed upon you Child of God, your marriage must work! It looks like this is a personal message but then the Spirit of the Lord led me to pick up my writing materials and I began to write. I pray you will be blessed as you read this piece in Jesus’ name

What is Christian Marriage?
This is my definition. A Christian marriage is one wherein a man who has embraced the salvation which only Jesus Christ can give is joined in holy matrimony to a woman who has equally embraced the same salvation through confession of her sins to Jesus Christ and have invited Him into her life as her Saviour. John 3: 16 states, “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” Jesus told Nicodemus in verse 7 of the same chapter, “Marvel not that I said unto thee, Ye must be born again.”
In Genesis 2: 24, “Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall unto his wife, and they shall be one flesh.” Can anyone separate one indivisible whole without causing harm? The moment you try that destruction sets in. Though the two of them are Christians, human nature can not be ignored. There are moments of revelations! Seeing the other aspect of your partner which you never expected! Sometimes you wake up in the quietness of the night and you begin to look at this partner of yours with several ‘unhealthy’ questions racing through your mind, especially when you have been hurt. Let us not mention them here! Please do not dwell on such, rather borrow the “eyes of Jesus” and see your spouse through Jesus’ eyes. Think of only what Jesus would be seeing in that handiwork of His. Someone is saying, “You don’t know this partner of mine that is why you are giving glowing tributes!” But Jesus sees all and He knows all!

Why must this Marriage Work?
This marriage relationship must work because it is built on Jesus Christ, the Rock of Ages! God the Father says in Malachi 2:15-16, “Therefore take heed to your spirit, and let none deal treacherously against the wife of his youth. For the LORD, the God of Israel, saith that he hateth putting away…) “I hate divorce.” I am sure you will not like to embrace what your Father in heaven hates. You desire to please your Master, Jesus Christ. Isn’t it? But wait a minute! Are you telling me to stay on in that abusive marriage? Then I ask you, friend, Was this how it all began? You started at a place of love and that was why you came together as husband and wife in the first place, then what happened along the journey friend?
            This marriage must work because you are brought together by God to showcase His glory to your generation and generations yet unborn who will read or hear about your exemplary Christian home. You are called to be a role model!

Let us examine some likely causes of marital conflicts at this point of our deliberation. These are just my thoughts, there are many more definitely.
1.     1.  Lack of money to meet up with family needs.
2.      2. Careless spending of money by either of the marriage partners.
3.      3. Interruption by the in-laws (mother-in-law; father-in-law; sister or brother-in-law etc)
4.      4. Siblings becoming overbearing on either the husband or the wife through their monetary or material demands
5.      5. Communication gap between married couples.
6.      6. Shabby appearance/dressing on the part of either of the couple.
7.      7. Excessive weight problem especially on the wife’s part.
8.      8. Lack of family philosophy of training of the children. Follow the Bible principle in Prov. 22:6
9.      9. Lack of mutual respect. Ephesians 5:21Romans 12:10
110.  Rebellious behaviour from either husband or wife.
111.  Lack of respect for parents.
112.  Lustful behaviour in the area of property accumulation.
113.  Sexual dissatisfaction /sexual abuse.
114.  Infidelity or unfaithfulness in marriage.
115.  Constant nagging by the wife or anger from either of the couple.
116.  Childlessness for a period or infertility.
117.  Lack of attention by either husband or wife.
118.  Overconcentration of love on the children at the expense of one’s spouse.
119.  Getting hooked on one’s career/ ministry to the total neglect of the other partner.
220.  Lack of romance in the marriage/ bad habit of pornography.
221.  Lack of trust and loyalty.
222.  Bitterness and Unforgiveness.
223.  Not meeting up with each other’s expectations.
224.  Pride and arrogance.
225.  Constant dependence on parents-in-law for family needs and conflict resolution.
226.  Lack of understanding and hypocrisy.
227.  Not listening attentively to your spouse during discussions.
228.  Not cross-checking with your spouse information received from outsiders about him or her.
229.  Battering i. e Wife beating.
330.  Favoritism in the family.

This marriage is not working again! Let us call it quits! Be patient my brother! Be calm my dear sister! Some ‘stranger’ is at that dark corner beating a drum of sorrow, shame, and destruction for you and your spouse. Can’t you discern it?  When father Adam and Eve were in harmony with their creator in the garden of Eden, read again what happened to them in the book of Genesis. In the cool of the day, God in heaven will come down and had fellowship with the first human couple on earth, but by the time the enemy of our soul crept in as a serpent in Genesis chapter 3. ‘Man’ was misled and that led to a breakdown in their fellowship with God. Let us read it together again in Genesis 3: 23-24, “Therefore the LORD God sent him forth from the garden of Eden, to till the ground from whence he was taken. So he drove out the man…”
            Do you realize that God missed that fellowship? He had to make a way to restore that communion and that informed the sending of His only begotten Son to earth. Jesus Christ came and died on the cross for you and for me. He shed His blood so as to reconcile us back to the Father.
            That marriage must work! It has to work, dear child of God because you are a terror to the kingdom of Satan. If you now permit the devil to destroy your home, what happens? You don’t know my partner. The more I pray the more the relationship worsens! I know it happens sometimes. Please play your own part and leave the rest to God to iron it out.  May His Spirit not depart from us. Amen.

What must you do for this marriage to work?
In marriage three personalities are involved:

I.                   God
II.                Husband
III.             Wife                             
Every Christian that wants to live a meaningful and victorious life must be very close to God. It is important to spend quality time with God in the place of prayer, Bible study, and meditate on God’s word. As couples, you must be determined to build a Christ-Centred home. Once the husband’s communication with God is unhindered as well as that of the wife towards God, they will naturally flow towards each other. But if one party has a communication breakdown between him/her and God, it will affect his/her communication with the spouse.
Once the communication lines are open between God and the couple, things will work out better. Therefore, direct the attention of the entire family to the supremacy of Christ in your lives and personal endeavours.
The word of God says, “But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness, and all these things shall be added unto you.” (Matthew 6:33)

Friend, deepen your relationship with the Holy Spirit. He will teach you how to listen to divine instructions and will grant you a heart of obedience so that you can please your creator. What of if I find myself in an abusive marriage? What of if the man or the woman wants to kill me? You are not a robot, you are a human being! Turn it over to God, and do whatever he instructs you to do at any particular time for your safety. In closing, let God be the leader in your home.

(For counselling, please contact Joyful Callers Counselling Ministry @ 0813-814-3021 or send an email to “”)

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