Thursday, 30 April 2020


The word of God says, “Where no counsel is, the people fall (perish): but “in the multitude of Counsellors, there is safety.” (Proverbs 11:14 KJV).

Several years ago, I attended a wedding ceremony at a Church. The officiating clergy admonished the couple on what it takes to enjoy a Christian home, and in addition, he advised them that they should not encourage the third party in their marriage. He said further, “Don’t allow or encourage those people, the olofofo, (busybodies) called counsellors to interfere in your marriage. To an extent that was good pastoral advice, but personally, I felt very hurt as a practising Counsellor because I found it highly derogatory to have referred to counsellors as “busybodies.” In my mind, I said “Lord, this pastor is not helping this couple. As much as I do not support the idea of bringing in the third party into the marriage, the fact still remains that this newly wedded couple will need help along the way. This is a journey they have not passed through before, so if there is any need for them to seek help from a counsellor or anybody they feel led to talk to, I believe that they should be encouraged, and not discouraged.

It is unfortunate that some people have wrong notions about the counselling ministry. They think counsellors are busybodies, but as time goes by they will acknowledge the fact that counsellors are needed in our society. There are no specific books in Bookshops that teach couples how to relate with each other at each moment of life. For example, how to greet your spouse when you wake up, how to feed your partner, how to please your husband et cetera. Most of those things are culturally based, therefore, if the need arises to seek help from professionals, I believe they should be encouraged. These are end times, many homes are facing economic distress, emotional and even spiritual problems. Many homes are being destroyed by the powers of darkness, and Christian couples must be spiritually alert. I heard a true story of a pastor who told his wife on a particular day that, “I just feel like beating you, yet you did not offend me.” What interpretation will you provide for such? It is an aberration!

Where there are healthy families, there will be a healthy nation. Unfortunately, many homes are going through turbulent times. The statistics of couples filing for divorce in courts is skyrocketing, while others who want to be modest opt for separation. In the year 2020, it was reported that at a particular court in a city in Nigeria, there are about 4,000 divorce cases still pending. Isn’t that heartbreaking? That is just from one court. What is the statistics from other courts in the land? What do you think will happen to the future of the children who are from such homes? They will inevitably be affected adversely. Let’s ask the question, How many of such people had a heart-to-heart discussion with their spiritual leaders or professional counsellors before rushing to the court? Some of them might have been brain-washed that they should not get any third party involved, others might be reacting as a result of what their parents had suffered in their marriages, and the children are now telling themselves, “No, not again! My mother suffered domestic violence, I cannot stomach this non-sense! But they forget that God created us as individuals and we should be responsible for our lives. Domestic violence is on the increase! Men beating their wives and vice versa. This is evidence that society is truly decaying.

In Exodus 18:13-26, the man Jethro had to call Moses’ attention to the necessity of getting more hands to help him in handling the matters that the Israelites were bringing to him. In essence, there was a need for more counsellors if not, Moses would suffer burnout. In the same vein, we need more counsellors to move to the stage.
Nobody can counsel effectively without the help of “The Counsellor,” that is The Holy Spirit. We must learn to communicate with Him and seek His directions as we talk with people because He only can truly solve those problems. In the world, many people are aching and many are broken-hearted. One day, a lady called me on the telephone and we conversed for some time. Initially, I didn’t like the idea, and I encouraged her to come to the counselling office so that we could discuss extensively. On her part, she didn’t want face- to- face interaction, but after some telephone discussion, she agreed that she would come to the office. Unfortunately, she disregarded the two appointments that she booked. The Holy Spirit then helped me to realize that there was a need for a paradigm shift. All clients may not show up in the office, just take advantage as the case presents itself, so I followed her up with text messages, and sending relevant bible passages to help her.

As human beings we operate from different perspectives. When a man and his wife can no longer understand each other, they should seek the help of a professional counsellor, who by the help of the Holy Spirit can help them to see the matter from other perspectives. A friend shared a story with me that a newly married couple found themselves in a mess that could have cost them their new home, just a day after their wedding. After all the merriment at the wedding reception, they went to their new home rejoicing, but by the following day, there was a problem. The dustbin was filled with all kinds of stuff. The husband was expecting the wife to empty it, and the wife too was expecting the husband to empty it. So the man spoke up, but the wife refused and they began to shout at each other. Their pastor said he felt led by the Holy Spirit to go and visit them that morning, but he was hesitant. This couple just wedded yesterday, they should be enjoying their honeymoon, why should I disturb them? Well, he obeyed and went to the house.

As he approached the house he overheard the new couple shouting at each other, so he understood why the Lord sent him there. As he entered the house they greeted him, Ah, pastor, welcome sir. He then asked them what caused the quarrel between them and they explained. The wife told her pastor that in her family, it was their father that used to empty the dustbin so she grew up to believe that it is a man’s job, while the husband said it was his mother that empties trash at home. The pastor now counselled with them and made them see that both of them are right in their thinking, but that was their parents’ homes. Now they must decide how they want to run their own home, not necessarily following the old patterns. Thank God for that divine intervention, and peace was restored.

The Holy Spirit needs our hands, our feet, our mouths and all that He can use to reach out to people who are aching, and others who may just need little encouragement to push ahead with life in a world such as ours. The Bible is central to our counselling practice as Christian Counsellors, as the Holy Spirit grants us necessary illumination. No one has the wisdom to relate with people who are in pains and need succour, we need God’s wisdom, guidance and His words to pass across to people in this troubled society. Prayer component cannot be overemphasized. We must be very prayerful. Begin to pray for the client once he or she books an appointment, while the counselling session is ongoing, remain connected to the Holy Spirit, and as a follow-up strategy, keep praying that the Holy Spirit will help him or her to be victorious through the crisis.

God is building men and women who will surrender their will to Him to move to the nooks and crannies of this world so as to preserve the world for Him.  God is calling out to willing hearts to help in rebuilding lives.

Are you ready? May God find you faithful. Amen. 

N.B. Do you perceive the need for training? Join our online training at Institute of Christian Counselling and Mission Studies. Log on to for a rich experience in basic Christian Counselling. It is a flexible programme and it is cost-friendly.