Sunday, 17 January 2021



Sometimes in the year 2020, during the Corona Virus pandemic, a lot of Ministries/Churches resulted in online programmes since it became impossible for people to assemble in their Churches and Fellowship halls. As Joyful Callers Counselling Ministry, the Lord laid it on our hearts to run online teaching, so we came up with a WhatsApp teaching group tagged “Free Counselling Class.” We had fifty-three registered participants from six countries, which was quite encouraging. Cross-fertilization of ideas from different worldviews also added value to our discussions to the glory of God. Different topics were discussed over a period of six weeks (Wednesday evenings only). One of the issues we dealt with was the issue of divorce. This was a big concern to us seeing the increasing rate of divorce in our societies. We were not just interested in discussing various factors that are responsible for divorce, rather we are more interested in suggesting ways of combating this menace so that we can all enjoy a more stable family life where our children can be brought up in the way of the Lord, and grow up to become responsible citizens of our beloved countries.


Therefore, I asked the participants on the platform to share with us their own resolutions on how to reduce the menace of divorce in our societies. The edited responses are hereby presented.


Mrs. A. A opined, “By the grace of God, my resolution is to put more efforts into what I am currently doing in the area of Christian Parenting in the 21st Century (WhatsApp platform). I believe that the decadence of our society streams from homes. Therefore the home front needs healing. The home front needs fixing. We need to go back to our first love where Christ is modeled before the children, as the head of the home.”


Another person states thus: Children are silent observers to their parents' marriages. Opinions and mindsets are formed early, often strongholds are formed in their subconscious young minds that ultimately deeply influence their own attitudes to the institution of marriage. It, therefore, comes as no surprise that a son who grew up seeing his father beat up his mother, often replicates the same abuse in his marriage, but for the grace of God. A daughter who watched her father unleash various forms of domestic abuse upon her mother may be completely turned off towards the institution of marriage, because why would she want to suffer a similar fate? Such reasons have been implicated in late marriages, marital problems and consequent divorce.


I believe strongly that, “there is a place of personal responsibility in marital harmony and success. A married couple should also be continually aware of this fact, that their attitudes and actions in their marriage are a constant lesson to their children and impressionable young minds in their sphere of influence and thus, strive to set a good example. To stem the tide of divorce in society, the change must begin within. – Dr. O.O

Some others believe that Forgiveness helps to keep us in the right direction with the Holy Spirit, and gives us a peaceful mind. Also when God sees our willingness to forgive, He helps us further without much effort on our side. Unfortunately, we are not willing to take the pain to forgive at times because we don’t fully understand the good that comes from forgiveness. Forgiveness is a strong foothold for the Holy Spirit to do wonders. Forgiveness brings healing and it repairs our relationship with God and with one another. It brings a refreshing to the soul. Therefore, a godly way to resolve divorce is for couples to embrace the virtue of FORGIVENESS. Forgive your partner as God forgives you.


Mummy O. O. presents her own views in the following words:

1. Parental care and teaching of moral values, cultural values, and most importantly Godly values from the Bible must be taken seriously.

2. Teaching the young ones before marriageable age the value and permanence of marriage. This is very important because we are in an age where singles (male and female) see a marriage relationship as one that can be dissolved at will. If it works, fine, if it doesn’t work we call it quits. Any couple that enters into a marriage relationship with such a bias may likely not endure, and adjustment will almost be at zero levels. We need to teach our children that marriage is God’s idea, not man’s, and He meant for it to be permanent, only death is allowed to separate the couple.

3. Praying through for the deliverance of homes and stoppage to activities of home enemies through the blood of Jesus.

4. Organising Counselling and teaching sessions for couples as regards God’s word concerning marriages and keeping the homes secure will also help.

5. Discipleship sessions for converts after they might have experienced the salvation of their souls will help people to value God’s word in all circumstances of life..

6. Living an exemplary Godly life worthy of emulation will equally help.


In adding her own voice to this all-important, life-saving discussion, Mummy Y. M, wrote, “As an individual, who is in the Marriage Counselling committee of my local assembly, I have resolved to continuously counsel intending couples never to consider divorce as an option and to let them know about all the people that will be affected negatively if there is a divorce in a home.” This is a very healthy step to take because many people only think about their own selfish desire to have their way at all cost, forgetting that many people are tied to their lives. For instance, what becomes of the children after a divorce case? What about the mental health of the partner who never anticipated such disruption to his or her life’s journey? People must learn to sit back and think meditatively on the word of God in Malachi 2: 16, “… For the LORD of Israel says that He hates divorce.


Mrs. Y. Y. B’s resolve is this, “to advise intending couples to be friends first before marriage. This will help them overcome issues like communication gaps which open the door to several other problems. If there is genuine communication and bonding, divorce will not come to play.” Mrs. A.A. asserts, “I am trusting God to help my children and all other people that God is sending to me, to get it right before marriage, to go for pre-marital counselling, and to take it seriously.” A pastor who is serving in a Franco-phone context puts it this way, “In the culture where I am, marriage is a contract and not a covenant. So the issue of divorce is not an issue with them at all.” There are certain foundations laid that do not allow marriage to take place at all, if eventually it does, divorce is at the corner if the couples do not pray very well. So we need to tackle divorce spiritually than physically. Also, courtship before marriage is very important, and during courtship, there should be no sex. Once a would-be couple is involved in sex it is a sin against God, and it covers errors. A faulty foundation that is! It is advisable that the couple should be attending Marriage seminars together so that they can learn how to please God in their homes. That will help a lot to curb this menace. – Pastor E.U.J


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