Sunday, 31 May 2020


Two Case studies briefly:
One day, I attended a church convention, where some guest ministers have been invited. Just before the sermon delivery on this particular day, there was a Music ministration by one of the prominent gospel artists in the country. It was such a powerful ministration that the atmosphere of the church was well charged, and we felt the presence of God no doubt. Personally, I felt that the meeting of that day had reached its zenith and that we should just close the meeting in prayers. But remember, I was not in charge. The Church pastor invited the guest speaker to mount the pulpit in order to deliver God’s word to the people. The preacher in question did not consider the fact that he came from another city so as to preach in that convention, he recognized the move of God among His people. In a few words, he acknowledged that indeed God has blessed His people that night, and he led the congregation in a closing prayer. You may want to ask, “What happened to the sermon already prepared by him for the occasion?” In my own understanding, he handed it over to God in all humility. I can imagine what went on in his mind that day. Could it be something like this? “God, you have done your work here tonight. I worship you, Lord!”

The second case study: I was invited to minister at a church in Lagos, and we had a discussion on “Cross-cultural principles to marital success.” I was given about 30 minutes to do that, after which the general overseer was to come up to preach his Sunday sermon. That’s ok. I tried to keep to time as my usual practice, but when the leader assessed the level of interaction of the church members he extended the time. After I completed my God-given assignment, I stepped down from the pulpit, for the general overseer. To my surprise, the man of God told the members that it was obvious that the Lord has spoken to all of us already, and there was no need for any other sermon. He then prayed, after which he intimated the members with the announcements.

These case studies are to draw our attention to the height of humility that was displayed by the two servants of God that were affected. My question is this? If you happen to find yourself in the shoes of any of those Church leaders, will you respond the same way or will you insist that you must still preach your own sermon for the day? Well, if God leads you to go ahead to preach after such powerful presence of His, it is not a sin, but be sure He is the one leading you to do it, and not your flesh. May the Lord clothe us with His humility, in Jesus’ name. Amen.

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